Mel O’Callaghan
Selected Works:

Mel O’Callaghan
Ore of Cyprus, 2021
Acrylic paint, copper and pigment on glass
160 x 140 cm
Installation at Mais Wright

Mel O’Callaghan
One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born, 2021
Pigment and ink on glass
160 x 140 cm
Installation at Mais Wright

Mel O’Callaghan
Dangerous on-the-way, 2017
Installation Palais De Tokyo, Paris
Image: André Morin

Mel O’Callaghan
Dangerous on-the-way, 2017
Installation Palais De Tokyo, Paris
Image: André Morin

Mel O’Callaghan
Woe Implores Go, 2016

Performance and Installation
Do Not Disturb Festival
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Image: Ricardo Lami

Mel O’Callaghan
En Masse, 2016

Mel O’Callaghan
Untitled Blue+ Black, 2016

Mel O’Callaghan
Ensemble, 2015/16

Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou

Mel O’Callaghan
Parade, 2014

Performance and Installation
19th Biennale of Sydney
Image: Stephen Ward / Scanlan Theodore

Mel O’Callaghan
Parade, 2014


Mel O’Callaghan
Time To Act, 2014

Museum Medeiros e Almeida, Lisbon, Portugal

Mel O’Callaghan
Move, 2010

16mm colour film with sound
7’13” 16:9