Coen Young
Selected Works:

Coen Young
Here in this cool, air-conditioned room installation view
Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, 2017

 Coen Young
study for a mirror 1 (July) 2017
230 x 140cm
Acrylic, urethane & silver nitrate on paper.

Coen Young
Here in this cool, air-conditioned room installation view
Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, 2017

Coen Young
fundamental fantasy 2017
242 x 149cm
12 Selenium toned gelatin silver photographs

Coen Young
study for a mirror 1 (July) 2017
230 x 140cm
Acrylic, urethane & silver nitrate on paper.

Coen Young
Here in this cool, air-conditioned room installation view
Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, 2017

Coen Young
fundamental fantasy 2017
242 x 149cm
12 Selenium toned gelatin silver photographs

Coen Young
Here in this cool, air-conditioned room installation view
Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, 2017

Coen Young
Here in this cool, air-conditioned room 2017
242 x 149cm
12 Selenium toned gelatin silver photographs

Coen Young
Study for a mirror 2 
(November) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper

Coen Young
Study for a mirror
 3 (November) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper

Coen Young
Study for a mirror
 8 (November) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper

Coen Young
Study for a mirror
 9 (November) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper

Coen Young
Study for a mirror
10 (November) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper

Coen Young
Study for a mirror 1 (January) 2015
210 x 110cm
Acrylic, marble dust, urethane and silver nitrate on paper.
Installation Repeat/Persona, Porous Space, Vienna, 2015.

Coen Young
I always immediately forget what I wanted to say #4 & #5,
230 x 105 x 6cm each
Installation Coen Young: I always immediately forget what I wanted to say,
William Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, 2012.

Coen Young
I always immediately forget what I wanted to say #8, 2012
230 x 105cm
Enamel on aluminium composite panel on cedar.